Advantage customer

Become a Vegas Advantage customer and save 30% permanently

As a Vegas Advantage customer (advisor) you only pay purchase prices and permanently save 30% on all product purchases. In addition to the savings, you also receive a monthly volume discount (bonus).
By registering with Vegas Cosmetics as a preferred customer (consultant), you take no risk or other obligations. There is no minimum turnover requirement or purchase obligation. There is only a one-off fee of €11.50 for the information folder, which contains all catalogs, documents and price lists.
Registration & first order
Simply click on the registration button and register online as a preferred customer (consultant) within minutes. The mandatory fields (*) are sufficient. If you have any problems or questions, please let us know. For your first order, please select the information folder for €11.50 on page 2. For your first order, you can order products of your choice directly on page 3, at the purchase price of course.
Become a Vegas Advantage Customer (register here)
You are welcome to provide us with your details and your first order by phone or in writing. We will then take care of the registration.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to contact!
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